Gabriel Buchdahl

Gamified Pinboards for Wanderlog

Added pinboards for Wanderlog users to track places they've visited.

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Gamified Pinboards for Wanderlog

Self-Driving Cars: CV & ML

Programmed (virtual) self-driving car software for Yale's CPSC 335 course. Used computer vision and machine learning techniques.

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Self-Driving Cars: CV & ML

Rubik's Cube Solver

A tool which finds an optimal solve for your rubix cube in under two minutes––no cubing experience required!

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Rubik's Cube Solver

Contagion Tracker

Data visualization in React, Python, MongoDB to reveal β€œviral" trends in Twitter data combined with hospitalization data.

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Contagion Tracker

Code Haven Website & Open Source Curriculum

Designed new website for Code Haven, as well as platform for hosting our Open-Source Curriculum.

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Code Haven Website & Open Source Curriculum
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About Me


Hi! My name is Gabe, and I'm a student at Yale studying CS. I just finished up taking a gap year, where I was working at a tiny travel startup in San Francisco. I've also worked at a few larger companies, including Facebook and MongoDB.

I have a proven track record of shipping features end-to-end––from writing scope documents, to delegating tasks to a team, to getting the last bugs ironed out before a launch. I have a strong theoretical CS background, and experience with modern development technologies such as React, Typescript, React Native, MongoDB, SQL databases, Node, and Express.

When I'm not myself learning, I'm often teaching. I've been a ULA for several of Yale's CS classes, and I helped run a club that teaches CS fundamentals in bilingual classrooms around New Haven. Education is something that's really important to me, so I've made it a goal to help everyone have as positive of an experience learning CS as I have!

In my free time, I relax by singing with my a capella group, The Baker's Dozen of Yale, watching the Yankees, and hitting Summoner's Rift from time to time.

Gabriel BuchdahlΒ© 2019 β€” Theme designed & developed by Marguerite Roth